Monday, November 9, 2009


Another successful show under the belt, and many great people met!
Thanks to everyone for all the support who attended the "Santa Presents Christmas Show" in Penticton this week-end.

Here's a few snap shots of the event and my display

This coming week will be another busy one for me as I'm back at it, preparing for the "Holiday Festival of Creations" being held at the Prospera Place in Kelowna next week-end

In other SUCCESS news I've added a quick picture of our boy Dante who has finally had his pins removed over the week-end after having them in for over 3 months. We can't wait for him to come home...we should be able to pick him up tomorrow. So now the physio and true healing begins... here's hopin' to a healthy happy speedy recovery with no more speed bumps!!!

1 comment:

Vanessa @ See Vanessa Craft said...

Love your display!! Aww poor Dante :(

Happy Halloween From My Family to Yours

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Countdown to the BIG day!!!

My Etsy Fav's

In Loving Memory

In Loving Memory


Tuesday February 10th 2009

~Take a moment today to thank who ever may be "your" God for your pets.
Enjoy them, and take GOOD care of them.
Life would be, and for me, is a much duller lonely and less joyful experience without these adorable little critters~

(In loving memory of our sweet little Olive who died very unexpectedly 2 days after I wrote this.
Olive You are greatly missed each and everyday
We all love you! xox)