A year and half ago we tragically lost our beloved little girl Olive, she was only 3 yrs old and was taken from us much too soon. We think of her everyday and miss her dearly! The day she passed away, Adam and I sat in each others arms grieving our loss. Both sadly and happily reminiscing in her very short but wonderful life and all the happiness she brought to us, we suddenly heard the most amazing sound. It was an owl, perched at the top of our chimney. We had never heard an owl around our house before. It was as if it was speaking to us, it was as if it was telling us we were gonna be okay, it was as if it was the spirit of our little girl Olive letting us know she would always be with us. Since that day, ever so often, she comes to visit us...usually in the evening just outside our bedroom window as we fall asleep, I picture her to be a snowy white owl and it's a very peaceful feeling.
Dante, is our big boy he was Olive's big brother. He helped us to make it through losing Olive, and we know he missed her just as much! We always used to say there was no need for any other form of entertainment in our house because those two together could make you laugh for hours. On September 9th of this year, we too, had to say good-bye to our big boy. He lived a long and happy life, loved by everyone who had the opportunity to meet him. Losing two animals within two years has been very difficult for us. We could only hope they would meet up and be together, the thought of this brought us much comfort!
It's been a little under a month since we lossed Dante. We think of him everyday, missing him every moment!
While sitting and talking together the other night we suddenly heard a very familiar sound outside our window, it was very peaceful...very calming...it was the sound of the owl. Only this time...
there were two
As we sat and listened in awww, my dear husband Adam said with tears welling up in his eyes...
It took him awhile to find her, but they're together now.
The sound of the two of them together was the most magical sound and we sat in silence listening with tears rolling down our cheeks. At that moment we felt as if everything was gonna be ok, they were ok, and they were letting us know they are together now.
ok, I had tears in my eyes reading that. It hit way close to home for me. So sorry to hear about both your pups - they are the most amazing companions in life aren't they? I just happened to read this before heading out to visit mine ( family dog lives with the folks) I think I'll squeeze him extra this time :-)
Thanks Jaime
They are the most amazing companions be sure to give Tucker an extra cuddle for me :0)
OMG! What an amazing story...I am blubbering all over my keyboard... it's so hard to lose a pet. We had a Rott also which we lost a couple of years ago and I think about her often with a smile on my face. We used to play hide and seek & she would get so excited when she found me. Of course, they don't have much of a tail so her entire butt would wag. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much sassyglass.. and you welcome I'm happy to hear that the story touched you as much as it touched us.
Aw...Lisa! (sniff, sniff)...that's seriously incredible! I love that Olive and Dante were able to tell you that they were together. Gaaahhh...those were two amazing pups.
gah! i want to run right home and squeeze our pound puppy right this minute. i'm so sorry for you guys, it's gotta be terrible. i can't event hink about it :(
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